Increased freedom of migration would force prosperous countries to confront the poverty and conflict which provoke the attempts of some migrants to escape their countries of birth. 移民方面更大的自由度将迫使富裕国家直接面对贫困与冲突,正是这些问题使得一些移民试图逃离自己的祖国。
First, discusses the concept of freedom of migration. 首先阐述了迁徙自由权的内涵。
The second chapter deals with the restrictions on the freedom of migration. 再次,在正文的第二章中,作者重点关注了迁徙自由权的限度问题。
The fourth part is the thinking about the realization of freedom of migration in China. 第四章是关于迁徙自由权在我国实现的思考。
The first chapter mainly deals with the concept and the extention of the freedom of migration. 就第一章而言,作者主要讨论了迁徙自由权的概念,并对迁徙自由权的价值和外延进行了分析。
Through discussing the functions of freedom of migration on emigration of three gorges, I will educe the topic that is how to protect the rights of emigration of three gorges. 通过讨论迁徙自由理念在三峡移民问题上的功能,引出本文如何保护三峡移民权益的主题。
Part Four discusses the practicability to confirm the freedom of migration in our country. 第三部分从五个不同视角,论述了在我国确认迁徙自由的必要性。
Next this part reviews deeply the real-life problems of our country citizen 'freedom of migration involved obstacle factors and the necessity of the confirmation by constitution. 接着对我国公民迁徙自由的现实问题进行了深入的考察,包括我国宪法确认公民迁徙自由之障碍因素以及我国宪法确认公民迁徙自由的必要性。
The Reform of the Permanent Residence Permit System and the Realization of Freedom of Migration and Residence 彻底改革户籍制度,实现迁徙自由
On Freedom of Migration 迁徙自由权辨
In the first chapter, I will introduce the basic conditions of freedom of migration and emigration of three gorges and indicate the purpose of the article. 在第一章中,作者介绍了三峡工程及其副产品三峡移民的基本情况,同时表明作者的写作目的。
Analysis on Freedom of Migration from Science of Constitution 迁徙自由的宪法学分析
Part Five gives the principles and assumptions of the legislation for the freedom of migration in our country. 第五部分,作者提出了我国迁徙自由立法的原则和设想。
This particular article seeks to provide theoretical foundation for the confirmation of freedom of migration in our country through the investigation of the necessity and possibility for confirming freedom of migration in our country. 本文试图通过对在我国确认迁徙自由的必要性与可行性的探讨,为迁徙自由权在我国的确认提供理论依据。
On Freedom of Migration and its Implementation in China 论迁徙自由及其在中国的适用
On the Reality of Exercising Civil Freedom of Migration in Our Country 对我国实行公民迁徙自由现实性的探讨
At last our country citizen 'freedom of migration should be confirmed by constitutional judicial application and international treaty protection. 最后通过国际条约的保护使我国公民迁徙自由得以实现。
Analysis on Freedom of Migration in Jurisprudence Aspect 迁徙自由的法理学分析
According to author's inspection, after the new China has been established in 1949, in China the freedom of migration has experienced a winding process from the legal affirmation to the denial and then tacit approval to the certain degree. 根据笔者的考察,1949年新中国成立后,迁徙自由在中国经历了一个从法律上的肯定到否定再到一定程度默认的曲折过程。
The new household registration system should guarantee the balance of political structure, freedom of migration by the Constitution. Meanwhile the beneficial function should break away from household registration whose statistical function of population information should be strengthened. 在改革的基础上建立的新的户籍制度应当保证国家政治结构平衡,从宪法上保障公民的迁徙自由,同时,剥离户籍制度的利益分配职能,强化其人口信息统计职能。
Besides, it also points out limitations and unworthiness of current legislation for the freedom of migration and relevant policies. 同时指出了当前迁徙自由立法及相关政策的局限性及其与现实的不适应性。
In the last section the author states that the freedom of migration can be investigated from the perspectives of logical constitution, purpose and space of migration. 在这一章的最后一节中,作者认为迁徙自由权的外延可以分别从逻辑构成、迁徙目的(或原因)、迁徙空间等标准进行考察。
The first part is the basic interpretation of freedom of migration. 第一章是关于迁徙自由权的概述。
In the article, I will analyze the relation between Freedom of migration and emigration of three gorges in order to discuss how to protect the rights of emigration of three gorges as possible as well. 在本文中,作者将通过分析迁徙自由和三峡移民的关系,讨论如何最大限度的维护和保障三峡移民的权益。
In the third chapter, I discuss the relations between Freedom of migration and emigration of three gorges. 在第三章中,作者讨论了三峡移民与迁徙自由的关系。
Part Two reviews the main contents of the three historical stages for the legislation of freedom of migration of new China as well as the background for the legislation by means of historical research; 第二部分以历史考察的方法,追溯了新中国迁徙立法在三个不同历史阶段的主要内容及其立法和政策背景。
Through argues the significance of revival freedom of migration and the qualified condition that realize freedom of migration in China. Then draw a conclusion that China should revival freedom of migration. 通过论证在我国恢复公民迁徙自由的意义和实现迁徙自由具备的条件的探讨,得出我国应该恢复公民迁徙自由权的结论。
The second part is the reason and negative effect about cancellation freedom of migration in Chinese constitution. 第二章我国宪法取消迁徙自由权的原因及其带来的后果。
The freedom of Migration is the right of citizens to choose their resident on the will in the scope of law. 迁徙自由权是指公民在法律允许的范围内自主变更居住地的权利。
Freedom of migration is one of the basic rights of citizens, it has become the common sense of modern civilized country. 迁徙自由是公民的基本权利之一,这已成为现代文明国家的共识。